Set Apart to Carry a Message

As John the Baptist was set apart in a unique hour of history to prepare the way of the Lord, the Holy Spirit is setting apart young men and women in our generation to be burning and shining lamps. Are you longing to be captivated by His beauty, to cultivate a burning heart, and to declare His Word with power? Find your place in the story.

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Friends of Jesus. Bold Messengers.

Forerunner messengers can be accountants, lawyers, missionaries, pastors, and beyond. Our training is built to help you thrive under pressure in any context. Shine for the gospel and display the beauty and worth of Jesus at the end of the age.

Biblical Studies

We prepare students to provide the body of Christ with one of our greatest needs in this hour: clarity, authority, and perspective from the scriptures.

Marked With Intimacy

An expression of theological training that prioritizes intimacy with God and growing in prayer.

Opportunities to Lead

The best way to learn is to do. We desire to thrust the willing into real leadership with real consequences that accelerate learning.

Coaching & Mentorship

We do more than lecture; we jump in with students to help them along the way. We’ve been where you want to go, and we’ll help you get there.

Friends to Run With

No one can get through times of trouble alone. Join a community of young men and women who, like you, want to burn for Jesus with others and outshine the darkness.

Pursuing a Forerunner Spirit

We are a forerunner school. We want to lay hold of a lifestyle of spiritual preparation for dynamic participation in God’s end-time plans and purposes.

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Tuition & Financial Aid

What to Expect

At the ministry school, you can expect to pay about $2,900 per semester depending on your specific course selection. Students may also opt to take additional classes, such as mentorships, music, and media courses. All students may apply for scholarships and work studies.

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Student Schedule

A Day in the Life of Student

FSM students spend time together in corporate prayer, worship, ministry, and the classroom. Expect a full time schedule that gives room to grow together in community. Classes and other scheduled activities usually occur 5 days a week, between Monday and Friday, totaling around 30 hours per week. Many of our students are able to maintain part-time jobs alongside their time at IHOPU.

Academic Calendar

Access Options

Program lengths

  • 9-months
  • 2-year certificate
  • 4-year degree


English, Chinese, Portuguese, and coming soon in other languages


  • Kansas City Campus
  • Online
  • Nightwatch
  • Educational Partnerships

Frequently asked questions

  • Yes! While our program is quite full time, many of our students maintain part-time jobs during the semester. (Advice only applies to prospective Domestic students, international students are not permitted to work in the USA.) 

  • FSM students participate in three different learning environments: Classroom, the Global Prayer Room, and Ministry Teams. In a given weekday, you can expect to spend time in some or all of these areas. Much of these activities are adaptable to an evening or morning schedule.

  • FSM Students graduate with a degree in Christian Ministry.

  • Yes! While most secular schools may not recognize or transfer our credits to non-ministry-related programs, we have developed relationships with several colleges, graduate schools, and seminaries. This allows for credit transfer of various courses and even admittance into their graduate programs upon completion of our 4-year degree.

  • FSM students participate in three different areas: corporate worship with prayer, hands-on ministry, and traditional classroom. There are also many other school-wide activities and events students are invited to participate in on a regular basis.

  • All students are placed on a ministry team where they will be coached by a leader and participate weekly in a local outreach. There are opportunities to become a student ministry team leader, as well as take a focused mentorship program during the last two years of school.

  • Yes and no. The FSM program focus is in general ministry but there are lots of opportunities for specializations through mentorships, ministry outreaches, etc.

  • Yes! Students will get to interact with leaders/speakers in a classroom or weekly chapel program. 

  • A ministry team is a group of students who meet together several times a week with the contexts of growing together in friendship, in the Lord, and in ministry/prayer.

  • Yes! Especially in the later years of our program (years three and four), there are many opportunities to take music or media courses as electives.

  • Yes! We are happy to have students join us for one or more classes in a part-time status. This is great option for those who busy vocationally, in the home or even in other fields of study. Our connect team can help you choose a direction that will work best for you.

What's your next step?

Important Update

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that the Spring 2024 semester was the final expression of IHOPU.