There Has Never Been a Better Time

Right now, you have a historic opportunity to prioritize and accelerate your foundation in the Word of God and your life in Him. We are confident that you will never regret putting your heart before the fire of the love of Jesus. There has never been a better time to put the normal course of life on pause to do the extraordinary.


You will never regret taking a season to focus on your future with God!

Gain Clarity and Direction

What kind of person are you going to be? What kind of character are you going to possess? What kind of interior life are you going to bring into seasons of pressure and trial? Take time now to become the person God has designed you to be.

Explore God and His Word

Join a community of like-minded believers to grow in your understanding of the Bible and pursue intimacy with the Lord. Take a season to immerse yourself in prayer and the study of God’s Word.

Build a Foundation

Prioritize a season to lay biblical and spiritual foundations that shape how you think, live, and relate with one another. Set the groundwork for career, marriage, parenting, and all God has for you in the future.

Prepare for What’s Coming

Put your heart before the fire of Jesus’ love and grow in the confidence of your identity in Him.  Become grounded in the Father’s deep love for you. Develop the trajectory of your life for the next ten years.

Align with God’s Priorities

The rest of your life is waiting for who you can become by grace. Find yourself in the hands of a Father who loves you and who is dedicated to liberating, transforming, and establishing you in His purpose.

Do Something Extraordinary

Don’t be a passive spectator to history as it unfolds around you. Be the one who stands out among the 10,000. This is your hour to take your place, engage in your calling, and shape history through prayer and fasting.

Testimonies We Love

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The night belongs to the Lord! While most people are sleeping and many deeds of darkness are committed, interns in the first track of Fire in the Night cry out in prayer for justice and revival to break in on the earth. And during the day, the Intro to IHOPKC interns prepare for a lifetime of prayer and friendship with Jesus through a season of consecration, a place of encounter, and a mission in prayer.

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The Holy Spirit is raising up a generation who love God with all their hearts and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. The One Thing Internship is for singles, 18–25, who give six months to a focused season of prayer and studying the Word. Completing both tracks of Fire in the Night is for the hard core who want to be challenged and join with faithful musicians and intercessors in the NightWatch.

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Digging deep into Biblical training through the first year of IHOPU will bring life changing moments with the scriptures in the classroom as well as hands-on experiences in dynamic, real-life ministry. We are dedicated to equipping intercessors, worship leaders, preachers, media messengers, musicians, teachers, and missionaries to engage in the Great Commission in the power of the Spirit.

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What's your next step?

Important Update

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that the Spring 2024 semester was the final expression of IHOPU.