Dear friends,

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that the Spring 2024 semester was the final expression of IHOPU. Due to organizational and financial issues, IHOPKC’s leadership team has decided that the various branches of the ministry will be winding down. Our Global Prayer Room will continue its mission to house 24/7 prayer in Kansas City, but IHOPU has had its final graduation in May. Please check out the statement from leadership for more information. 

We have so enjoyed getting to know you, and we have considered it an honor to hear stories of how God has moved on your heart to come to a place of deeper intimacy with him. While we are saddened that IHOPU is unable to be a part of your journey moving forward, we are confident that the Lord will bring to completion the things that he has placed in your heart. 

Even as we are winding down, our prayers go with you. We leave you with Paul’s words from Ephesians 3:16–21:  

“…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge…Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think…to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

With all our love,
The IHOPU Connect Team

Frequently asked questions

  • All student, staff, and alumni IHOPU email addresses will be suspended on Friday, June 14. Please note that “suspended” does not mean deleted. If you need more time to transfer or download your content, you may reach out to us requesting access. To request an extension, please fill out the IHOPU Email Extension Request Form here:

    If you have email history or various documents stored in your Google Suite and would like to transfer your content to another Gmail account, there is a fairly simple process to help you do that. Click here to learn more.

  • For those who graduated on May 18, 2024, you will receive an email with an unofficial transcript in PDF format by June 14, 2024. If you need a printed copy, please fill out the IHOPU Transcript Request Form here:

  • Fill out the IHOPU Diploma Replacement Form here:

  • Please know that our plan is to preserve school records beyond the closure of the school. The historical records (such as transcripts, etc.) will be preserved and access to them may be requested once the long-term solution is in place. We plan to have that landed by late summer/early fall.

  • Your access to Schoology will be winding down soon. We do not have a specific date landed for that yet. Please be sure to log in and download all content from your Schoology account including course syllabus, notes, and any video content that has been made downloadable. For videos hosted on YouTube, please copy the links and save them in your own document. For videos hosted on the Sardius player, please know that we are working on a way for you to be able to download your videos and hope to announce that process soon. For class recordings saved in the Zoom cloud, please contact your instructor to request that they be made downloadable, if they are not already.

  • There are several other opportunities and relationships with other academic institutions that IHOPU graduates can take advantage of. Click here to learn more.

  • For existing folks who have signed up for historical IHOPU mini-courses, on-demand courses, or CBETS courses, your access to your courses will continue for the foreseeable future. Login here to access your courses. We will plan to give 30 days notice before any major changes are made to the site. All registrations for courses are now closed.