Messengers: The Cost of Saying Yes

Have you ever smelled death? Morbid question to ask, I know. But I ask it nonetheless: have you ever smelled death?  In the Song of Solomon, there is a...

Messengers: A Call to Friendship with Jesus

Many want to be messengers. Proclaimers with authority. Influencers with a following. But do we want to be friends? Friends of Jesus? And are we willing to embrace the life...

Who Am I: Walking in Your God-given Identity

At some point, every young person wrestles with the looming question, “Who am I?”. This question sets the average person on the desperate quest to find a sense of...

The Internal Realities of Walking in God’s Anointing

What does it mean to walk in God’s anointing? We often describe a song or a message as being anointed. Or we identify someone accomplishing great things for God...

Transformation: The Power of a Gap Year

The idea of a gap year has become more popular in the last decade—and for good reason—as most high school students lack clarity about their future. While the application...

How to Choose a Gap Year Program

A Gap Year program can last from just a few months up to one year. It is a way for you to get away and experience something new for...

Why Take a Gap Year?

There Has Never Been a More Important Moment! You have, right now, a historic opportunity to take this year to prioritize and accelerate your foundation in the Word of...

Important Update

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that the Spring 2024 semester was the final expression of IHOPU.