Rooting Our Hearts in the Meekness and Majesty of Jesus

As John the Beloved beheld the throne room of God in Revelation 5, the question of the ages thundered in the midst of that great room. “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals (v. 2)?” John heard the question over the many sounds that filled the air around him. He heard … Continued

Beholding the Beauty of Jesus

Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote, “Beauty is the battlefield where God and Satan contend for the hearts of men.” Beauty is powerful and persuasive. When it touches the heart, it brings perspective—it can even inspire the heart to courage. King David, when speaking of the pressures, the persecutions, and death threats he faced (Psalm 27:1–3), said that despite … Continued

We Want to Change the World, but We Hate Change

There is a dilemma that every living human being must wrestle with continually. I am wrestling with this dilemma in a fresh way personally. It can be summarized simply: no one likes things the way that they are; yet everyone hates change. I’ve tried to take some time during both the corporate fast that we … Continued

Discipleship and Prayer in Preparation for Fullness

Time is a thing often taken for granted. We feel the vast mystery of it, whether by the ache of memory or our fascination of the future, yet we rarely ponder the purpose of time as the canvas of discipleship. Time is the caliper by which we measure answers to prayer. As the modern, global … Continued

Rooting Our Hearts in the Meekness and Majesty of Jesus

As John the Beloved beheld the throne room of God in Revelation 5, the question of the ages thundered in the midst of that great room. “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals (v. 2)?” John heard the question over the many sounds that filled the air around him. He heard … Continued

The Confidence of the Gospel

In the Christian life, it is essential that our confidence be derived from the work of redemption as revealed in the Word of God. Our sense of confidence springs from the inner value system of the heart. What Christians truly find their confidence in often comes through where their fears and joys lie. For example, … Continued

Important Update

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that the Spring 2024 semester was the final expression of IHOPU.